WordPress is the way

I invested some time learning how WordPress works and whether I can use it for my online ambitions — especially relating to Responsibility Matrix. And, guess what. I can.

I had previously used Joomla for some websites. It worked great, but WordPress has great market penetration. They also have a free version through wordpress.com. So, I gave it a try. Coming from Joomla, it took a little effort to get used to WordPress’s approach and structure. But, as it turns out, both Joomla and WordPress have their quirks, positive and negative.

Once I decided that I felt comfortable with WordPress, I decided to install it on my BlueHost hosting account rather than use the free wordpress.com approach for hosting. This will give me tons more freedom and flexibility.

And I need that flexibility. WordPress has a lot of available plugins to handle many tasks that I need. So, really no problem handling specialty requirements like hiding some content unless the reader is a “paid subscriber”. There are a number of ways to go about that, and probably most anything else I can imagine.

Then, I spent some time researching potential WordPress themes. It has to look good, right? I had used RocketTheme for my Joomla sites and they also make WordPress themes. Since I was already familiar with their Gantry 5 infrastructure that underpins their themes, I downloaded a free version just to see how it works with WordPress. A little trial and error, but I could see that any of their themes should work just fine. So after checking out functionality with a free theme, I found (a non-free) one from RocketTheme that had a few differentiating characteristics that I really like. I’m paying my money and downloading that one in a few minutes.

Then, with the theme and the content structure set, it’s all about the writing.

Wait, is that the easy part of the hard part?

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