Easy Tech

I’ve spent a few days lazing about and not updating this blog. But I actually do have a few things to document. Let me catch up on my tech activities.

I have had a web hosting account with Bluehost for many years. I’ve used it for a number of different projects and never had any issues.

For the Responsibility Matrix, I’m trying to take good advice and keep things simple while still in the prototype stage. While I had originally (in my masochistic moods) believed that I needed to write my own web app, I know that’s not true. Bluehost to the rescue!

Instead, I decided that an installation of WordPress can get me 70% of the initial functionality that I’m anticipating. And Bluehost installed that on my web domain in, like, 5 minutes for free. Click a button, get a WordPress installation.

I did run into a small issue of CSS scripts not loading under HTTPS (they worked fine in HTTP), but a quick chat with their tech support and he got it working.

Now I’m in the process of installing a few WordPress plugins to get me the more specific functionality that my prototype (alpha release?) needs. For example, I anticipate the need to restrict some of the content to members-only, while other content will be freely available and shared. There’s an app for that! Actually, there are quite a few. So I’m starting out with a free one that will let me test the concept. I’m using Restrict User Access. I’ll write more about that later when I get a chance to test it in context.

Also, I think I want to have a place to discuss weighty topics. So, I think I’ll install either bbPress or BuddyPress. Maybe both, and see which one’s functionality fits better.

So, I’ve actually made pretty good progress on setting up this prototype environment.

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