– These are thoughts that are impacting my work
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I spend a lot of time reading. The new ideas and interpretations that flow from others’ wisdom often lead to day-to-day insights.
I don’t believe in best practices
Consultants – if you want to sell a solution to internal auditors, don’t couch it as ‘best practices’. Serious and respected internal auditors deal in well-grounded recommendations. Their recommendations address a deficiency or opportunity that actually matters to management. And their proposed solutions are usually simple, practical, complete, and sustainable so that management can take…
Fake it ’til you make it
We’ve all seen this advice. And it disturbs me when people use it to justify something shady. Here’s what it’s not … It’s not a (wink-wink) justification to fraudulently claim some skill, or some authority, even though you don’t really have it. Sure, you want it. You plan on having it someday. And, the justification…
Responsibility, Commitment, and Accountability
If you’re trying to build an effective governance culture, it’s important that everyone knows what these words mean … and how they work in your culture. These ideas are often mashed together in ways that are real head-scratchers. And, to say it up front, I’m talking about ‘common usage’ for these terms. If they exist…
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