The Responsibility Matrix
✓ create your highly effective performance culture
Leaders who build great teams start with the right foundation
A performance culture provides the opportunity to deliver great results over the long term.
In most organizations, two roles make this happen:
- Team leaders design, roll out, and monitor the performance culture.
- Internal auditors help these leaders with insights about what’s working, what isn’t, and how the system might be improved to deliver even better results.
The Responsibility Matrix is a fully-formed approach that executives can easily incorporate. And, internal auditors can use it as a framework to provide useful feedback.
Its design is based on four key pillars — it’s simple, practical, complete, and sustainable.
In creating The Responsibility Matrix, a few clear ideas emerged. These are what define and differentiate TRM as an organizational performance template.
We believe that:
- Simplicity, on its own, is a fundamental strength.
- Short-term achievements matter. But they are only waypoints in pursuit of a larger mission.
- High-performing teams pursue their mission by identifying, teaching, and monitoring the factors that shape success over the long term.
- Every member is uniquely important to a team’s success.
- In the big picture, a leader’s role is to create trust and commitment.
- But, day to day, leaders need to recognize and focus their energy on the few things that matter the most.