Author: Charles Schrock

  • Responsibility, Commitment, and Accountability

    Responsibility, Commitment, and Accountability

    If you’re trying to build an effective governance culture, it’s important that everyone knows what these words mean … and how they work in your culture. These ideas are often mashed together in ways that are real head-scratchers. And, to say it up front, I’m talking about ‘common usage’ for these terms. If they exist… Read more

  • Mission … Vision … and other stuff

    Mission … Vision … and other stuff

    I am mostly interested in personal and team productivity and effectiveness. Too many people try to make this complicated when it’s far better to keep it simple. For example … Mission, Vision, Purpose, Strategies, Tactics, Initiatives, Executions, Objectives, Goals, Targets, Metrics, KPIs, Results and so on. Lots of terminology for related (and sometimes the same)… Read more

  • Prioritize your focus

    Prioritize your focus

    I tend to think about things that catch my eye. Today it’s the difference between Prioritizing and Focusing. This started with something I read in the book ‘The Laws of Subtraction’ by Matthew E. May. The author had interviewed John Maeda who, in turn, shared his thoughts about priority and focus. I often use these… Read more